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Thoth Reading- 

Navigate physical reality, bio magnetic energy that helps clarify Chi;energy.

Astro Gifts- On Earth as it is in Heaven. We are aligned with the divine.Energize physical

mental psychological and spiritual

A Thousand Suns - video will guide you into First World issues faced today. What

stories can be told? How can we Truly Heal the Land and leave a Healthy Legacy for our

Children's Children!

A Thousand Suns tells the story of the people of the Gamo Highlands in the African Rift Valley

and their unique world view. This isolated area has remained remarkably intact both biologically

and culturally. It is one of the most densely populated rural regions of Africa yet its people have

been farming sustainably for 10,000 years.

 Healers Journey Through Health Literacy

What Story does Your Body Tell You?What stories do you Re-member? Stories The Body

Likes to Tell

  • The Body Just Ain't a Sack Of Blood
  • Remember Childhood?
  • SanKofa
  • 5 to 600 Years Old
  • Mama's Dance
  • Phili MOVE
  • The Tie That Binds and many many more!
  • Sparrow's Eye Click here to hear
  • Give Us This Day Click here to hear 

Call 510 812-8123 if you wish to book readings, workshop or both.


Like roots hidden in the earth

Have meaning to the tree

Roots deep past hidden

But gives strength to what must be!

It shows through branches leaves

Receives through star sun

Great roots understand

A will shall be done

Galaxies of stars

Beginning of many trees

Feet root to earth

Crown acknowledges and can see.

When emotions tread the water

And I need to find the land

The stars are there to guide me

Structured lights just take my hands

Feed roots of understanding

As above

So below

In the heavens are the galaxies

Eternal Trees are heaven sewn.

(c)copyright 1985 Tureeda Mikell


Experienced Body information

Inner voice,

Hand or eyes focus on text.

What has body revealed to you?

Is Body aware of...

.racism, karma, chakra energy morphic fields,

child's sense-activity, visions, dreams,

ghost/spirits, life, birth, love, death of loved

one, loss, rebirth, out of body experience,

prophetic dreams....?

Does Earth in all Her wonders Speak

through Stars, Clouds, Winds,Waters, Plants,

Trees, Flowers, Rock, Hills, Mountains,

Meadow, Forest, Animal Feet, Fin, Fowl,

Feather, Insects, Bees, Dirt. Is body aware of

this communication?​ 

The Body never forgets!

Stories whose scars mark memory, healer's

journey recalls;

Body Just Ain't A Sack of Blood!

A young woman recalls abuse from an elder and

her body's reaction to his memory scares her

scars into another reality that the body is far

more than we imagine.

It has been said,"Nothing records the effects of a sad life so graphically as the human body." - Nagiub Mahfouz

Survival Stories?

Star Stories?

What's your story?!!


Your Story!

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